Many different factors affect and contribute to our health and well-being. Using kinesiology muscle response testing, clients can be supported to come into better balance and achieve their optimum health and well-being.
Nutrition and nutritional supplements often play an integral part in the journey to optimum health. Based on biofeedback from the muscle test, I may offer suggestions and advice relating to diet and nutrition. Together we can identify if there are any foods your should be avoiding or perhaps eating more of as part of your wellness plan.
In addition, you may be recommended to take nutritional supplements. Supplements are not included in the consultation fee and you will need to order them separately. I will provide you with all of the information you need before you order. You can also bring any supplements you are already taking along to the session, and we will try to integrate them where possible. However, in some instances, you may need to order new ones.
To achieve the very best results with Systematic Kinesiology, it is highly recommended that you follow the specific advice you receive from the practitioner.
These are some of the nutritional companies that I use:-
Tel: 01453 757792
Tel: 01380 800105
Tel: 01684 310099
Tel: 0121 628 1901